At the time of the spring equinox, the land is in the season of early planting. The sun is now back to being present the majority of the time, the world is warming, plant life is just starting to sprout, and many animals are beginning to enter their birthing season.
Stone Creed Grove has approached this time with an interest in a wide variety of Indo-European traditions and pantheons. The script listed below is one such example, focusing on Hellenic (Greek) traditions, honoring Persephone Kore returning from the underworld to bring spring, and Dionysos at the time of the first fruit from the vine.
Stephanie the dark and Miss Allisun make offerings of gaily decorated eggs
Opening the Gates
The Hallows
The StoneCreed Grove hallows for Spring Equinox 2004.
Sharing the Waters
Calling for the Blessing
Pre-ritual Meditation
The Grove gathers to connect to earth and sky.
Colored Eggs
That's the problem with StoneCreed Grove, it's lousy with colored eggs.
The Omen
The Spring Equinox 2004 Omen for Stone Creed Grove.
Hallowing the Waters
Pre-Ritual Briefing
The pre-ritual briefing begins.
Egg Dyeing
Decorating eggs prior to the Rite.
Post-ritual Fellowship
Grove members Dawn & Phil engaged in a little post feast relaxarama.
Post-ritual Fellowship
The usual post ritual schmoozing...
The Omen
The Grove Omen for the Equinox Season.
The Hallows
The Grove Hallows for our 14th (or so) Spring Equinox Rite.
Post-ritual drumming
Post-ritual drumming
Pre-Ritual Briefing
Pre-Ritual Fellowship
The Hallows
The Hallows
The ever popular, ubiquitous picture of our Grove Hallows.
Stone Creed's official BrewMeister, AJ. Soon it will be time for us to brew more Stone Creed Mead.
Egg Dyeing
Chris and the Rev. Golden Puma seemingly enjoying the egg dyeing a little too much...
Fellowship of the Folk
No, not a band of ruffians, these stout Stone Creed lads are enjoying the mild weather after the Rite. (from left: Jay, Matt, Ian, Dennis & AJ)
The Omen
The Grove Omen for the Spring Equinox.
Epona, the young Earth Mother, rests comfortably in our Grove.
The Offering Bowl and Well
The offering bowl and the Well, filled with offerings.
Bread Epona
Epona was the Goddess of the day, represented here by the marvelous Bread Horse that was crafted by Marae.
Father and son
It's been a pleasure watching couples turn into families. Darrin (left) has been an invaluable member since the beginning. His young 'un came a little later.
Despite the chill, the congregation was rife with spring fever.
The Hallows
Of course, the ubiquitous Grove Hallows picture.
Images handfasted
Images were blessed and handfasted as part of the mystery. Llew (left) & Bloduewedd.
Leading the rite
When not performing as Dreams on Fire, Marae & Richard harmonize just as well as a ritual team.
Blessing Rites are typically performed on the first Friday of the month, but also used as a ritual that can be performed at any time by the whole community gathered
Beltaine is the time of late planting and the beginning of the growing season in colder climates. For many ancient peoples, this was the beginning of their summer season, which
We are now in the time of winter, where snow is beginning to be upon us, but the folk are safe indoors happily enjoying the fruits of their fall harvest.