Some of our members have active blogs that discuss ideas or provide artistic works that support our practices and beliefs.
Ian Corrigan

Reverend Ian Corrigan offers periodic thoughts on druidry, paganism, and occultism at his blog Into the Mound. Those interested in his books, artwork, and occult supplies can also find links to those works.
Ian Corrigan is ordained clergy and a senior priest of Stone Creed Grove’s parent organization Ar nDriocht Fein. He has also previously been Bard Laureate of that organization, and is a well-regarded creative writer on matters of Celtic-focused magic.
Dave “Thexalon” Kleinschmidt offers regular free seasonal songs and other musical work, along with occasional philosophy posts at his blog The Joy of Thex.
Thexalon is the current Bard Laureate of Ar nDriocht Fein, with classical musical training from the Oberlin Conservatory. He performs regularly for folk dances, and also at pagan festivals with The Mickey’s.