Fall Equinox

As the summer turns into fall, the world has entered the harvest season. For all peoples, this is a time of gathering in as much food as possible, in order to survive through the upcoming winter. The chill is beginning to enter the air, and the folk know that the current bounty will not last forever, but it is also time to celebrate what we have.

This example script and video is of a year when Stone Creed Grove celebrated this seaon in the Hellenic culture, honoring the agricultural gods Dionysus and Persephone, drawing on the inspiration of the Eleusinian Mysteries.

Ritual Script

Video of a Fall Equinox

Photos of Past Fall Equinoxes

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The Hallows
Grove Folk
The Hallows
Smoke from the Ritual Fire
The Blessing
Taking the Omen
The Final Sacrifice
Making an offering
Making an offering
A Solar Image
Making an offering
Making an offering
Making an offering
Making an offering
Introducing the Ritual
The Omen - Words
The Omen - Symbols
Taking the Omen
Children in Ritual
The Blessing
Taking the Omen
Making an offering
Toasting the Kindreds
Making an offering
Making an offering
Making an offering
Opening the Gates
Speaking in Ritual
Honoring the Hallows
Making an offering
Making an offering
Making an offering
Introducing the Ritual
The Offering Table
The Hallows
Champion A.J.
Speaking in Ritual
Speaking in Ritual
Sharing the Waters
Speaking in Ritual
The Blessing
The Final Sacrifice
Harvest Offerings
Making an offering
Making an offering
Making an offering
Statement of Purpose
Making an offering
Making an offering
Honoring the Hallows
Making an offering
Introducing the Ritual
The Hallows - Post-ritual
The Blessing
Smoke from the Ritual Fire
Smoke from the Ritual Fire
The Final Sacrifice
Making an offering
Opening the Gates
Making an offering
Making an offering
The Hallows - Pre-ritual
The Final Sacrifice
Making an offering
Taking the Omen
Sharing the Waters
Calling for the Blessing
Reading the Omen
Honoring the Hallows
Burning the Offering Basket
Burning the Offering Basket
The Base of the Tree
The Hallows
The Hallows
Grove Folk
The Hallows
Smoke from the Ritual Fire
The Blessing
Taking the Omen
The Final Sacrifice
Making an offering
Making an offering
24 / 77

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We are now in the time of winter, where snow is beginning to be upon us, but the folk are safe indoors happily enjoying the fruits of their fall harvest.