Trance Part IV

Charms of Centering & Empowerment

This set of simple rituals is designed to establish the Celtic powers of the personal spirit in the magician. Those familiar with early 20th century occult Qabalah may find the forms of the rites familiar. In these exercises, however, we are not working a ‘banishing’ of any sort. The work is invocatory, meant to call the principles close, so that the personal spirit may respond in kind.

The works are simple, and can be done with no tools or temple at all, or with only the wand, if desired, but do require an easy skill in calling and moving the Two Powers. The `Kindling’ Charm is meant as a very quick calling of the Two Powers, while the Nine Working is a more complete preliminary ritual, meant to center the personal spirit in its powers. It makes an excellent preliminary to meditation and ritual. It’s very proper for use as a daily preparatory rite, when seeking power for greater works. In general it is meant to both empower and balance the spirit for further work, or for strength and wisdom in daily life.

The Kindling Charm

  • Stand facing the East, and raise your arms, upper arms straight out from the shoulders, and forearms at 90 degrees. (‘orans’ position). Bring the Two Powers quickly into your body, and say:
       Powers of the Earth and Sky
       Rooted deep and crowned high.
  • Place fingers on forehead forehead, chest and loins in turn, envisioning the Two mingling in each, perhaps in the Cauldrons, saying:
       Flow and Kindle in my Head
       Flow and Kindle in my Heart
       Flow and Kindle in my Loins
  • Cross arms on the chest, saying:    Flow and Shine in every part
  • Feel the combined Light and Shadow overflowing from the three Cauldrons, flowing through the whole body.

If you wish, you can now go on to the Cauldrons and Airts attunements at this time. As a shorter form you might go on to:

  • Extend the arms in a cross, facing east, and say:
       Before me Bounty, behind me Wisdom
       On my right hand Magic, on my left hand Strength
  • Hold hands cupped before your body and flow the Two Powers into them, saying:
       For within me is the Cauldron
       Of Wisdom, Love and Power.
  • When any work is completed, end by bringing the palms together in a `praying’ position, and balance and quiet the two in your body, allowing the powers to recede into the world. Say:
       The Fire, the Well, the Sacred Tree
       Flow and flame and grow in me.

The Nine Working

A: The Kindling Charm

  • Stand facing the East, and raise your arms, upper arms straight out from the shoulders, and forearms at 90 degrees. (‘orans’ position). Bring the Two Powers quickly into your body, and say:
       Powers of the Earth and Sky
       Rooted deep and crowned high.
  • Place fingers on forehead, chest and loins in turn, envisioning the Two mingling in each, perhaps in the Cauldrons, saying:
       Flow and Kindle in my Head
       Flow and Kindle in my Heart
       Flow and Kindle in my Loins
  • Cross arms on the chest, saying:
       Flow and Shine in every part
  • Feel the combined Light and Shadow overflowing from the three Cauldrons, flowing through the whole body.

B: The Three Cauldrons Attunement

  • With the Two Powers established in your body, establish the Three Cauldrons, beginning with your loins.
  • Envision the Cauldron of Warming in the loins, using the Dord Draoi, intone the name of the Cauldron:
  • Envision the combined Light and Shadow flowing into your Cauldron of warming. As it does, open your awareness to your body, seeking an awareness of your health and wholeness, seeing yourself as hale and well in every part.
  • Envision the Cauldron of Vocation in the heart. Intone the name:
  • Let the Powers flow into the Cauldron, and your awareness open to your daily life and work. From the center that is the Cauldron see the webs of relationship and mutuality that hold your life together. See them made strong, whole and helpful.
  • Envision the Cauldron of Wisdom in your head. Intone the name:
  • Let the two Powers flow into the Cauldron. As they fill it open your mind to the sources of divine awareness in your life. Feel your Allies draw close, and the Divine In You shine and flow, filling you with the Mead of Inspiration.

C: The Four Airts Attunement

  • Taking up the Slat if you wish, or using a pointing hand, turn to the East. Make an invoking spiral, spiraling out deisil from the center to the edge of the spiral. Say:
       East wind blow Bounty
  • Envision a red wind blowing from the east into your spirit, bringing with it awareness of the power of growth and wealth in your life. Feel that wind filling places in your life that might be ’empty’ of the power of prosperity.
  • Turn to the South and make the invoking spiral, saying:
       South wind blow Song
  • Envision a white wind blowing from the south, bringing awareness of wildness and the outsiders into your spirit. Feel that outsider wind stir and shake the order of your existence, bringing new impulse and energy.
  • Turn to the West and make the invoking spiral, saying:
       West wind blow Wisdom
  • • Envision a twilight-gray wind blowing into your spirit from the west, bringing with it knowledge and inspiration. Feel that wind blow into empty places in your mind, bringing cleverness and understanding.
  • Turn to the North and make the invoking spiral, saying:
       North wind blow Strong
  • Envision a black wind blowing into your spirit from the north, bringing with it strength and. Feel the wind filling the places in your heart that need it, bringing vigor and honor.
  • Face east and hold the Slat to your heart, or clasp your hands. Envision the Triple Cauldron, the Divine In You, enshrined in your spirit. Say:
       Within me is the Cauldron of Wisdom, Love and Power,
       And Nine Holy Things.
       The Fire and the Shadow
       The Deep, the Height, the Middle World
       The Plow & Harp, the Wand & Sword
       The world is in me, and I am in the world.
       Biodh se amhlaidh
  • End by repeating the Kindling Charm

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