
We are now in the late harvest season. The fields have become bare, and the pantries full. In ancient times, the folk would have observed that the entire world around them appears to be dying, and their thoughts turned towards their friends and relatives who have passed beyond our world. This day also marks the end of the year in the Celtic calendar.

For Stone Creed Grove, this is a celebration using the deities and symbolism of Irish culture, honoring the gods Donn (the receiver of the dead), and Morrigan (chooser of the slain in battle). In addition, extra honor is given to our ancestors, the people who’s work inspires our work, who’s lives helped to create our lives, and who’s blood now flows in our veins. We also especially honor those who have fallen in the last year, among our own friends and family as well as those who’s public life we wish to honor.

This is also our final rite of the year in our summer ritual space at Tredara. After this, we move back to River Grove (near Squire’s Castle).

Ritual Script

Video of a Samhain Ritual

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The Hallows
Deity masks
Bards playing guitars
The Hallows
Breaking the Pinata - attempt 2
Post-ritual dancing
The ritual flame
The Ancestor Altar
Deity images
Post-ritual fellowship
Breaking the Pinata
Breaking the Pinata
The Omen
A personal offering
The Book of the Dead
Donn and the Morrigan seated
Offering to the Kindreds
Purifying the ritual space
Making an offering
Opening the rite
The Hallows
A.J. and Ian
Grove folk making artwork
Potluck (4)
Potluck (5)
Potluck (6)
Officer Oaths
Officer Oaths
The Central Hallows
Donn and the Morrigan seated
The Book of the Dead
Food offerings
Making an offering
Pre-ritual meditation
The Ancestor Altar
Darius calls for donations
Member of the folk
Potluck (1)
Potluck (2)
Potluck (3)
Officer Oaths
Officer Oaths (2)
The ritual flame
Donn and the Morrigan seated
Ian offers the wreath of klutes
A ritual invocation
Donn and the Morrigan seated (2)
Ian and Sue sing a praise offering
AJ plays didgeridoo
A singing praise offering
Offering Klutes
Opening the Gates
Making an offering
The Hallows
Pre-Ritual Briefing
The rebuilt ritual site
The back of the ritual hall
The ritual hall, interior
The Omen
The Ancestor Altar
The Blessing
The Book of the Dead
Ian makes an offering
AJ welcomes the deities
Donn and the Morrigan seated
AJ welcomes the Morrigan
Sue opens the gates
Ian makes an offering
The Folk and the ritual flame
Offering to the deities
Treating with the Outdwellers
Offering to Brighid
Offering to the Earth Mother
The ritual flame is lit
Klaus and AJ
The Ancestor Altar
Ian and AJ
AJ and Julie making an offering
Sue makes an offering
The Hallows
The Folk
Ian and Darius, with other members of the folk
Pinata (4)
Pinata (3)
Pinata (2)
Pinata (1)
The Omen
The Hallows
Closing the Gates
Officer Oaths (3)
Officer Oaths (2)
Officer Oaths (1)
The Blessing
Reading the Omen
Offering the Wreath
Offering the Wreath
Offering Klutes
The Book of the Dead
The Deities in the Hall
Inviting the Deities into the Hall
More Offerings
Offerings to the Kindreds
Making Peace with the Outdwellers
Offering to Brighid
Offering to the Earth Mother
Pre-Ritual Briefing
The Ancestor Altar
Offering to the Morrigan
The Ancestor Altar
The Pinata
The Hallows
Offering Klutes
Opening the Gates
The Cups of Blessing
The Offerings
Inducing Trance
The Book of the Dead
The Omen
AJ's Installation
The Hallows
Offering of Hair
Newly Installed Senior Druid A.J. Gooch
Pre-Ritual Briefing
Offering Klutes
The Hallows
Offering to Mannanan
Handling the Weather
Pre-Ritual Fellowship
Carving Pumpkins
Extended Trance
The Pinata
Offering to Nature Spirits
Fellowship of the Folk
Breaking the Pinata (2)
Breaking the Pinata (1)
The Hallows
The Site
Setting up
The Hallows
The Folk
Shrine to Donn
Shrine to the Morrigan
Breaking the Pinata - attempt 1
The Omen
Grove Leaders circa 1999
Visualizing the Feasting Hall
The Hallows
Deity masks
Bards playing guitars
The Hallows
Breaking the Pinata - attempt 2
Post-ritual dancing
The ritual flame
The Ancestor Altar
Deity images
Post-ritual fellowship
Breaking the Pinata

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