
Imbolg is a time of the year where the sun is starting to return to the world, and the coldest days are behind us. In this time, current scholarship suggests that the ancient Celts offered to the gods of their hearth to keep away hunger and illness until life could once again return to the land.

For Stone Creed Grove, this is especially a time to honor Brighid, the Celtic goddess who personifies fiery inspiration and the year’s midwife who gives rebirth to the sun.

Ritual Script

Video of an Imbolg Ritual

Photos of past Imbolgs

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Ian removing his robe
The Cauldron
The Hallows
The Mantlepiece
The Imbolg Hallows
The Folk
Brighid's Flame
Passing through Brighid's Girdle
The Brighid-Og
The Brighid-Og
A singing praise offering
Calling the Descent of Brighid
Calling the Descent of Brighid
Brighid's Flame
Drumming and Chanting in Ritual
Opening the Gates
Honoring the Hallows
Making an offering
Offering to the Earth Mother
Opening the rite
The Hallows
Post-ritual dancing
Potluck Feast
Calling the Descent of Brighid
Brighid's Flame
Passing through Brighid's Girdle
Brighid's Girdle
Taking the Omen
The Brighid-Og
Speaking in Ritual
Speaking in Ritual
Making an offering
Making an offering
Making an offering
Opening the Gates
Honoring the Hallows
Offering to the Outdwellers
Making an offering
Introducing the Ritual
Image of Brighid
The Hallows
Post-ritual Music
The Omen
Calling the Descent of Brighid
Speaking in Ritual
Opening the Gates
Ian and Sue leading the rite
Honoring the Hallows
Making an offering
Making an offering
Ian and Sue leading the rite
Making an offering
Taking the Omen
The Brighid-Og
The Hallows - Post-ritual
Post-ritual feasting
The Omen
The Hallows - Post-ritual
Calling the Descent of Brighid
Passing through Brighid's Girdle and Receiving Brighid's Flame
Taking the Omen
Ian and Sue sing a praise offering
The Brighid-Og
The Brighid-Og
Making Offerings
Speaking in Ritual
Speaking in Ritual
Introducing the Ritual
The Purification Altar
Making Brighid's Crosses
The Omen
The Hallows - Post-ritual
Closing the Gates
Brighid's Flame
Passing through Brighid's Girdle
Taking the Omen
The Brighid-Og
Invocation of Brigid
Invocation to the Dagda
Offering to the Deities
Offering to Nature Spirits
Offering to the Ancestors
Honoring the Hallows
Lit Flames
Offering to the Earth Mother
Washing Hands
The Hallows - Pre-ritual
Making Brighid's Crosses
Omen and Brighid-Og
The Blessing in Waters and Flame
Offerings and Taking the Omen
Final Offerings
The Folk
Passing through Brighid's Girdle
Offering to Outdwellers
Washing Hands
Honoring a Pet
Brighid's Flame
Brighid's Flame
Opening the Gates
The Omen
The Grove Oath
Brighid's Flame
The Hallows - Pre-ritual
The Hallows - Post-ritual
The Hallows - Post-ritual
The Hallows - Pre-ritual
The Blessing
Brighid's Flame
The Omen
Opening the Gates
The Weather
Brighid's Crosses
The Omen
Invoking the Dagda
Ian and Sue leading the rite
Ian and Sue leading the rite
Pre-Ritual Briefing
The Hall
The Offering Table
The Hallows Shrine
The Hallows
Bagpipe playing
Handfasted couple
Handfasting Party
The Omen
The Hallows
The Brighid-Og
The Omen
The Offerings
The Brid-og
Deity images
Children at play
Grove Folk
Ian removing his robe
The Cauldron
The Hallows
The Mantlepiece
The Imbolg Hallows
The Folk
Brighid's Flame
Passing through Brighid's Girdle
The Brighid-Og
The Brighid-Og
A singing praise offering
Calling the Descent of Brighid
66 / 140

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