As the summer turns into fall, the world has entered the harvest season. For all peoples, this is a time of gathering in as much food as possible, in order
Category: Rituals
Detailed guides to both the seasonal and year-round rituals Stone Creed Grove regularly performs.
Lughnassadh is the time of turning from the growing season to the harvest season. The heat of the summer is at its most intense, and will begin to wane throughout
At Midsummer, we now have the world in full bloom. The early harvests of the year are starting to come back into the larder, the animals are busy fattening up
Beltaine is the time of late planting and the beginning of the growing season in colder climates. For many ancient peoples, this was the beginning of their summer season, which
Spring EquinoxSpring Equinox
At the time of the spring equinox, the land is in the season of early planting. The sun is now back to being present the majority of the time, the
Imbolg is a time of the year where the sun is starting to return to the world, and the coldest days are behind us. In this time, current scholarship suggests
We are now in the time of winter, where snow is beginning to be upon us, but the folk are safe indoors happily enjoying the fruits of their fall harvest.
We are now in the late harvest season. The fields have become bare, and the pantries full. In ancient times, the folk would have observed that the entire world around
Blessing RiteBlessing Rite
Blessing Rites are typically performed on the first Friday of the month, but also used as a ritual that can be performed at any time by the whole community gathered
Standard LiturgyStandard Liturgy
This script is not generally performed in its original form, but provides an effective guide for the standard structure of Stone Creed Grove ritual. Feel free to adapt this standard