Welcome to the Wellspring Festival! If you are joining us online, please set up Zoom on your computer or phone. All listed times are for US Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4:00).
While we attempt to bring virtual attendees as much of the Wellspring experience as we can, due to double-booked workshops, and the simple fact that many things happen away from the official proceedings, we encourage those who have gotten value from virtual attendance to consider joining us in person in the future.
Saturday 5/27
Sunday 5/28
Zoom room ID: 861 3849 6840
9:30 AM Zoom room opens
10:00 AM ADF Annual Meeting
12:45 PM Artisan’s Guild Gallery Showing
2:00 PM Ritual Theory – Ceisiwr Serith
3:30 PM Pagans and the Internet – panel led by Matthew Sawicki
8:00 PM Main Wellspring Ritual led by the ADF Clergy Council
Monday 5/29
Zoom room ID: 895 3150 4137
11:00 AM Zoom room opens
11:30 AM Farewell Blessing
As folk prepare to return to their everyday lives, we take the time to ensure they can go with the blessing of all the energy, scholarship, ritual, and connection that this festival has given them. As we opened with ritual on Thursday, we close with ritual, and ask for those beings who aid in travel to ensure that our guests arrive safely to where they are going.