November 2023 Blessing Rite

Spirit Apotheosis 691 Broadway Ave, Bedford, OH, United States

Our Blessing Rites are an abbreviated ADF style Core Order Ritual during which we honor the Kindreds and raise energy to bless magical items for personal workings and share our magic and energy with our community. Feel free to bring a candle or magical item (necklace, divination set, etc.) that you wish to have blessed […]

Samhain 2023 Ritual

Tredara 2451 Bennett Rd, Madison Township, OH, United States

As the wheel of the year continues to turn we find ourselves at the end of the Harvest season, hinging on Winter. As the world around us dies and falls into winter slumber, we turn our thoughts to those who have passed beyond our world as people in ancient times did. In this season, the […]

December 2023 Blessing Rite

Spirit Apotheosis 691 Broadway Ave, Bedford, OH, United States

Our Blessing Rites are an abbreviated ADF style Core Order Ritual during which we honor the Kindreds and raise energy to bless magical items for personal workings and share our magic and energy with our community. Feel free to bring a candle or magical item (necklace, divination set, etc.) that you wish to have blessed […]

Yule 2023 Ritual

River Grove Chestnut Shelter 2944 River Rd #2908, Willoughby Hills, OH, United States

We are now in the time of winter, where snow is beginning to be upon us, but the folk are safe indoors happily enjoying the fruits of their fall harvest. For the peoples of Scandanavia, this time not only was full of darkness, cold, and snow, but also marked the beginning of the sacred year […]

January 2024 Blessing Rite

Spirit Apotheosis 691 Broadway Ave, Bedford, OH, United States

Our Blessing Rites are an abbreviated ADF style Core Order Ritual during which we honor the Kindreds and raise energy to bless magical items for personal workings and share our magic and energy with our community. Feel free to bring a candle or magical item (necklace, divination set, etc.) that you wish to have blessed […]

February 2024 Blessing Rite

Madden Residence 840 E 209th St, Euclid, Ohio

Our Blessing Rites are an abbreviated ADF style Core Order Ritual during which we honor the Kindreds and raise energy to bless magical items for personal workings and share our magic and energy with our community. Feel free to bring a candle or magical item (necklace, divination set, etc.) that you wish to have blessed […]

Imbolc 2024 Ritual

River Grove Chestnut Shelter 2944 River Rd #2908, Willoughby Hills, OH, United States

Imbolg is the time of year where the sun is starting to return to the world, and the coldest days are behind us. In this time, current scholarship suggests that the ancient Celts offered to the gods of their hearth to keep away hunger and illness until life could once again return to the land. […]

March 2024 Blessing Rite

Spirit Apotheosis 691 Broadway Ave, Bedford, OH, United States

Our Blessing Rites are an abbreviated ADF style Core Order Ritual during which we honor the Kindreds and raise energy to bless magical items for personal workings and share our magic and energy with our community. Feel free to bring a candle or magical item (necklace, divination set, etc.) that you wish to have blessed […]

Spring Equinox 2024 Ritual

River Grove Chestnut Shelter 2944 River Rd #2908, Willoughby Hills, OH, United States

Celebrate the coming of spring with Stone Creed Grove! It is time for the furrows to be plowed, the seeds to be sown, and the honoring of the very first signs of growth in the land. This year, the season will be a time of honoring the Earth Mother who sustains all things, and the […]

April 2024 Blessing Rite

Spirit Apotheosis 691 Broadway Ave, Bedford, OH, United States

Our Blessing Rites are an abbreviated ADF style Core Order Ritual during which we honor the Kindreds and raise energy to bless magical items for personal workings and share our magic and energy with our community. Feel free to bring a candle or magical item (necklace, divination set, etc.) that you wish to have blessed […]

May 2024 Blessing Rite

Spirit Apotheosis 691 Broadway Ave, Bedford, OH, United States

Our Blessing Rites are an abbreviated ADF style Core Order Ritual during which we honor the Kindreds and raise energy to bless magical items for personal workings and share our magic and energy with our community. Feel free to bring a candle or magical item (necklace, divination set, etc.) that you wish to have blessed […]

Beltaine 2024 Ritual

Tredara 2451 Bennett Rd, Madison Township, OH, United States

Beltainne is the time of late planting and the beginning of the growing season in colder climates. For many ancient peoples, this was the beginning of their summer season, which would continue until Samhain. For Stone Creed Grove, this marks our first ritual of the year performed in our grove's ritual space at Tredara. This […]